

Mamta Mamta

  • Login: mamta
  • Registered on: 12 December 2017
  • Last sign in: 19 September 2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 9 0 9


Project Roles Registered on
CMT_Integration Manager, Developer, Reporter 11 April 2018
CMT_rule validation_ Post man Manager, Developer 18 September 2018
New Features Added Manager 23 August 2018


23 August 2018

07:27 AM New Features Added Feature #1081 (New): CMT_Addition_View Rule Page_ Print Option
Added a new Print option on rule view page. Mamta Mamta
07:20 AM New Features Added Feature #1079 (New): CMT_Addition_Agency Commission Contract Details_Duplicate Rule
Need to implement the duplicate rule functionality as below:
*Flow:* Add an icon (Duplicate) -> Need to open a new...
Mamta Mamta
07:14 AM New Features Added Feature #1078 (New): CMT_Addition_Add or Edit Rule Page_Ticket Endorsement
Add a new field 'Ticket Endorsement' as below:
*1.* Plating Carrier - example 'AC'
*2.* Endorsement - example 'No...
Mamta Mamta
07:11 AM New Features Added Feature #1077 (New): CMT_Addition_Add or Edit Rule Page_O&D Validation
Add a validation where the destination field will be mandatory if the user enters the origin. Mamta Mamta
07:11 AM New Features Added Feature #1076 (New): CMT_Addition_Add or Edit Rule Page_Connecting HUB
Add a new field 'Connecting HUB' having the value 'True' | 'False' in the following sections:
*1.* Travel Segments...
Mamta Mamta
07:11 AM New Features Added Feature #1075 (New): CMT_Addition_Add or Edit Rule Page_Restrictive Rules / Combination of Booking class / Exception
In the exception section, we need to correct the RATE dropdown as:
- NA
Mamta Mamta
07:11 AM New Features Added Feature #1074 (New): CMT_Addition_Active | Inactive tabs
We need to make two tabs to keep Active and Inactive contents in CMT. Mamta Mamta
06:51 AM New Features Added Feature #1073 (New): CMT_Addition_Add Page(All))_ Cancel button
We must have a cancel button in each new form. Mamta Mamta
06:49 AM New Features Added Feature #1072 (New): CMT_Addition_Add or Edit Page for Contract rule
*1.* Add View for airline groups as we did for Regions.
*2.* Add a new field 'Exclude (Airport, Country)' for => Tra...
Mamta Mamta

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